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International Sales Network

Weifeng products around the world

After 20 years of tenacious struggle and hard work, Weifeng International Sales Group from the early days of a few people to the current four brands division, nine foreign sales department and more than 100 sales team.

So far the company has nearly 400 foreign customers. Dealer system has been established in more than 70 countries and regions. Complete international distribution network has taken shape. Globally, every 3.5 seconds to sell a Weifeng tripod.

Domestic Sales Network

Strong domestic sales system

Weifeng Group internal sales department along with Weifeng the way forward, from the initial five people to today's two sales department a total of 30 individual sales team. Up to now we have established 35 provincial-level agents, covering so domestic provinces and municipalities. Major cities in the country has established 15 stores, formed a provincial agency, and distributors to end-users a complete sales system, has total annual sales of more than 100 million currency names.

After 20 years of market baptism, it has become the brand Weifeng photographic equipment industry aircraft carrier.

  • Add: Ningbo office: NO.1230 South Cihai Road, Luotuo Street, Zhenhai, Ningbo
  • Tel:+86-574-86590033
  • Fax:+86-574-86590060
  • E-mail:Sales@weifengchina.com
  • Website:g4c2t6.mqvd.cn
  • Copyright © 2016 Ningbo Weifeng Image Equipment Group Co., Ltd.
  • Technical Support:Enuoyopin · Tailored
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